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Number verify documentation

Number Verify - KPN API Documentation


The Number Verify - KPN API lets you verify if the mobile number provided by a user matches their SIM card. It's perfect for applications that need to confirm mobile number validity for secure logins, fraud prevention, and identity verification.

API specification

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This API uses Bearer Token Authentication. To authenticate, you'll need to get an access token by calling the /token endpoint. Use this token in the Authorization header for all future requests.

Example Header

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

How to Get an Access Token

To obtain an access token, you need to call the /token endpoint with your client credentials. The token is scoped to the operations you specify in your request.

API Endpoints

1. Token Request

Endpoint: /token

Method: POST

Description: This endpoint is used to obtain an access token that is required for authenticated requests to other endpoints.

Request Body

You need to send the request body as URL-encoded parameters:

  • client_id (string): Your client ID.

  • client_secret (string): Your client secret.

  • scopes (comma-separated string): Defines the operations the token can access. Valid scopes include:

  • operator_lookup

  • device_match (for Polling)

  • device_match_notify (for Notification)

Example Requests

Polling Example
curl -X POST \ 'https://api-prd.kpn.com/communication/kpn/numberverify/token' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d 'client_id=your_client_id&client_secret=your_client_secret&scopes=operator_lookup,device_match'
  • Description: Use this request when you need to perform polling operations.
Notification Example
curl -X POST \ 'https://api-prd.kpn.com/communication/kpn/numberverify/token' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d 'client_id=your_client_id&client_secret=your_client_secret&scopes=operator_lookup,device_match_notify'
  • Description: Use this request when you need to receive notifications.


  • 200 OK: Returns an access token.
{ "access_token": "ewuriwerewrew", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600 }

2. Insights Request

Endpoint: /insights/{msisdn}

Method: POST

Description: This endpoint allows you to request insights based on the provided mobile number (msisdn).

Path Parameters

  • msisdn (string): The mobile number in E.164 format (e.g., 31630000001).

Request Body

The request body varies depending on the use case:


The request body can be empty if you are polling for results.


When using notifications, the request body should include the following fields:

{ "device_match_notify": { "notification_token": "abcd1234", "notification_uri": "https://your_webhook_url/" } }
  • notification_token (string): The token used as the Bearer token when posting results to notification_uri.

  • notification_uri (string): The webhook URL where the notification should be sent.

Example Requests

Polling Example
  • Description: The request body is empty for polling.
Notification Example
{ "device_match_notify": { "notification_token": "abcd1234", "notification_uri": "https://your_webhook_url/" } }
  • Description:

  • The notification_token is used as the Bearer token when posting results to notification_uri.

Please note:

To receive notifications, the session_uri provided in the response must be accessed.


  • 200 OK: The insights request was successful.
Polling Example Response
{ "device_match": { "session_uri": "http://server/v1/dm/session/e46714d908600d8cf9f3abbf9f4056ff", "polling_uri": "https://server/v1/dm/polling/e46714d908600d8cf9f3abbf9f4056ff" }, "operator_lookup": { "regionCode": "NL", "operatorName": "KPN", "mcc": null, "mnc": null } }
  • Description: Polling will only work when the /token flow has device_match in scopes. operator_lookup works in both polling and notification scenarios.
Notification Example Response
{ "device_match_notify": { "session_uri": "http://server/v1/dm/session/5f563a0bbb61c93748f773b744bf19c6" }, "operator_lookup": { "regionCode": "NL", "operatorName": "KPN", "mcc": null, "mnc": null } }
  • Description: The session_uri must be accessed to trigger the notification to the provided notification_uri.

Session Request

Endpoint: /session

Method: GET

Description: You can use this endpoint once you have the response from /insights/{msisdn}. This endpoint is used to initiate a session for device matching.

Request Header

  • session_uri (string): The URI you received in the response of /insights/{msisdn}, found under the device_match/session_uri field.

Example Request

'https://api-prd.kpn.com/communication/kpn/numberverify/session' \ -H 'session_uri: https://server/v1/dm/session/your_session_id' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Example Response

{ "status": "OK" }

Polling Request

Endpoint: /polling

Method: GET

Description: This endpoint is used to retrieve polling results using the polling_uri from the /insights response.

Request Header

  • polling_uri (string): The URI you received under the device_match/polling_uri field from the /insights/{msisdn} response.

Example Request

'https://api-prd.kpn.com/communication/kpn/numberverify/polling' \ -H 'polling_uri: https://server/v1/dm/polling/your_polling_id' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Example Response

{ "msisdn": "316xxxxxxxx", "device_match": null, "remote_addr": "xx.xx.xx.xx", "user_agent": "Mozilla...", "errors": [ { "device_match": "AVAILABLE or UNAVAILABLE" } ] }

Check responses for device match status, and take further actions based on whether you're polling or waiting for notifications.