Retrieve possible internet speeds with just a postal code and a house number.
KPN / Internet Speed Check
Retrieve maximum internet speeds for any address
Just enter a valid postal code and house number to retrieve the maximum download and upload speed for any address in the Netherlands. Also use this API to retrieve possible carrier types for an address: copper, bonded copper or fiber. Optimize your development time, resources and user experience by connecting to the Internet Speed Check API.
How it works
The Internet Speed Check API connects you to KPN's network information. This gives you access to the technically available maximum bandwidth and carrier types for any address. Please note that the highest internet speeds for an address might only be available through specific providers.
The API needs little input: postal code, house number and, if applicable, house number extension. If the address is not known by the back-end or is somehow incorrect or incomplete, this API will respond with an alert that allows you to review and correct your input.
GDPR compliance: Yes
SLA: Standard via the KPN Developer Portal
Data center location: The Netherlands
ISO 27001
NEN 7510
This API helps you to...

Advise your customers
Show your customers the technical capabilities at their home or work address.

Customize product offerings
Use our network information on internet speed and technology to offer the best matching products available from providers.

Check if fiber is available
Fiber is rolling out quickly. Use the information to show whether fiber is available at any given address.
Simple input
Maximum bandwidth
Get to know the maximum possible bandwidth at any address in the Netherlands.
Carrier type
Link additional information about the availability of a specific carrier type such as fiber.
What it costs
This API is FREE, based on fair use.
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