API menu

Speech To Text


The Xdroid Speech To Text API enables digital transformation in contact centers through voice and text solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

API specification

Test the API on SwaggerHub

Base URL


Conceptual model

Documentation page Xdroid Speech To Text conceptual model



A codec is a device or computer program which encodes or decodes a digital data stream or signal. Codec is short for coder-decoder.


G.711 is a narrowband audio codec, which defines two main compandings (compressing/expanding) algorithms, the μ-law algorithm and the A-law algorithm.


International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international standard-setting body.


MP3 is a coding format for digital audio.


MPEG-4 Part 14 or MP4 is a digital multimedia container format.


Ogg is a free, open multimedia container format.


Opus is an audio coding format using lossy compression.


Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance is mandated by credit card companies to help ensure the security of credit card transactions in the payments industry.


Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is an audio format. PCM is both uncompressed and lossless.


Waveform Audio File Format is an audio file format standard, developed by IBM and Microsoft.

API workflow

Documentation page Xdroid Speech To Text workflow


  • Accepted container formats:
    • .wav
    • .mp3 / .mp4
    • .opus / .ogg
  • Preferred audios that provides the best quality:
    • Bitrate: 64 Kbit/s per channel (stereo recording is supported).
    • Sample rate: 8 KHz / 16 KHz.
    • Uncompressed / lossless telephony codecs (PCM Linear, G711 a-law/u-law).

Features and constraints


  • API provides speech to text transcriptions based on search word volume.
  • Voice analytics system provides additional emotion analysis, keyword detection and semantic capabilities along with full quality evaluation for call centers.


  • Audio file should not be greater than 150 M bytes.

Getting started

Make sure you've read Getting Started for more info on how to register your application and start trying out our APIs.


The API follows the KPN Store API authentication standard to secure the API. It includes the use of OAuth 2.0 client_id and client_secret to receive an access token.

Go to the Authentication tab on top of this page to find out how to:

  • Authenticate to an API using cURL.
  • Authenticate to an API on SwaggerHub.
  • Import Open API Specifications (OAS), also called Swagger files into Postman.

How to...

Submit audio files for analysis

This endpoint lets you submit audio files to start a new voice analytics job.

Recommended formats are:

  • WAV container (PCM Linear 16 bit, G711 μ-law/A-law) is recommended.
  • MP3/OPUS recordings are also supported but depending on the compression level, it may affect transcription accuracy.

The supported content type is multipart/form-data.


POST /job

Upload the audio file and send the language config in the body.

cURL request example
curl -X POST "https://api-prd.kpn.com/data/kpn/voiceanalytics/job" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer *****************" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "config={"language":"en","recording_start":"" }" -F "audio_file=@speech_orig.wav;type=audio/wav"
Body parameter Type Description
audio_file=@ multipart/form-data Audio file. File size limit: 100 Mbyte for each file.
Example: /Audios/0036550e-720f-1239-0b99-eecf4973.wav.
config= object JSON object containing language and recording_start parameters.
Example: {"language":"en","recording_start":"" }
language string The parameter language is required in ISO language code. Supported language codes:
Global English: en
Global Spanish: es
Dutch: nl
French: fr
Example: "language":"en"
recording_start integer Day and time when the recording starts. Optional
Format: YmdHis.
Example: "recording_start":"20201216081228".


The response returns the unique job_id. Save it to retrieve the transcription in later requests.

Response example
{ "job_id": 12 }

Retrieve transcription

This endpoint retrieves the JSON transcript of a finished transcription job. Send the unique job_id as a path parameter.

Please do not use intervals that are shorter than 10 seconds to check the status to avoid a throttle penalty.


GET /job/transcript/$job_id

cURL request
curl -X GET "https://api-prd.kpn.com/data/kpn/voiceanalytics/job/13" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer *****************"


Expected flow of statuses is queued > processing > analyzed.

Please calculate with real-time equivalent (RTE) of 1. That means that a minute length conversation will take approximately the same time as the length of the recording.

Response - Processing status
{ "job": { "job_id": 12, "created_at": "2020-12-16 15:26:39", "audio_file": "xdroid-voiceanalytics-sample_20201216152639.wav", "status": "processing" }, "results": [ }

If the job status gets to analyzed, the request will retrieve analytics results in the [results] block. The results are in JSON array format.

Response - Analyzed status with results
{ "job": { "job_id": 12, "created_at": "2020-12-16 15:26:39", "audio_file": "xdroid-voiceanalytics-sample_20201216152639.wav", "status": "analyzed" }, "results": [ { "data_type": "TRANSCRIPT", // Type of data, see table below "data_channel": 1, // Detected channel in stereo, where 1 = first, 2 second channel "data_value": "welcome", // A transcribed word "data_detect_start": 570, // Start time in milliseconds "data_detect_end": 1020, // End time in milliseconds "data_length": 450, // Length of block in milliseconds "data_probability": 1 // Probability of result }, { "data_type": "TRANSCRIPT", "data_channel": 1, "data_value": "to", "data_detect_start": 1020, "data_detect_end": 1140, "data_length": 120, "data_probability": 1 }, { "data_type": "TRANSCRIPT", "data_channel": 1, "data_value": "voice", "data_detect_start": 1140, "data_detect_end": 1440, "data_length": 300, "data_probability": 1 }, { "data_type": "TRANSCRIPT", "data_channel": 1, "data_value": "analytics", "data_detect_start": 1440, "data_detect_end": 2050, "data_length": 610, "data_probability": 1 }, }
Parameter Description
data_type TRANSCRIPT. Word-level transcription. Data value contains the word, data_probability is the internal confidence level.
data_channel Detected channel in stereo, where 1 = first, 2 second channel. Example: 1
data_value Transcribed word. Example: welcome
data_detect_start Start time in milliseconds. Example: 8820
data_detect_end End time in milliseconds. Example: 9070
data_length Length of block in milliseconds. Example: 250
data_probability Probability of result. Example: 0.83